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Campagnolo Equipped Nature Boy

A bicycle by a wall

Hey there bike fans, here's something you just don't see everyday. It's a Campagnolo equipped Nature Boy in the totally under rated white with silver tips paint. This beauty belongs to Mike McGary a good buddy, owner of that really cool skateboard that was owned by Gator, and a man with damn fine taste in bikes.

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Introducing the Classic Jersey and Perennial Bibs!

Two cyclists in industrial background

Some of our very favorite days are new kit days. There's something deeply satisfying about clipping the tags off and sliding into an unsullied pair of new bibs and jersey. Oh the places you'll go together and the goodness of that fresh fluffy chammy! We recently received the shipment of our latest design.

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We are so Stoked that Twin Peaks is Back

But we obviously, can't say nothin' about the new episode since maybe you haven't seen it yet, and we would never do that to you. But this does present a pretty good time to walk down memory lane with the Log Lady video we made last year. Which was released on Twin Peaks day, because, you know. Kismet!

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Solstice Campout 2017

Solstice Campout Flyer

Come join us for the 2nd annual All-City Solstice Ride! Taking place on the longest day of the year, the ride celebrates all that we love about summer in our fair state - cycling, swimming, cold drinks, and friends! We have a group camp reserved at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve campground that boasts plentiful space for tents, hammocks, and open air sleeping.

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Bike Lore Cyclocross Festival - Japan

A rider on the road

Cross racing in Japan, it's really something else and must be experienced to be believed. I don't even think the locals realize just how amazing the scene that they've built is since it's normative to them. To us, with outside eyes, however our time at the Bike Lore festival was a mind blower.

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Breakfast Club - Monthly Ride Series - MPLS

A rider on the open road

Hey MPLS, come ride with us every third Friday for as long as the good weather lasts! Expect a casual pace, meeting up at Angry Catfish at 7:30 and rolling out at 8. Fuel up on pastries and coffee and then we'll hit the streets for a nice Lillydale road loop.

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