Jingle Cross Was Way Cool!
Hey there sports fans, this weekend's gonna be another cyclocross extravaganza and to get you totally psyched beyond possbile imaginable belief we'd like to share a few photos from our trip down to Jingle Cross late last month for several days of racing and of course, the watching the World Cup!
The All-City x Fulton team was running 17 members deep, and we met up with our homies from All-City X Blackhand, Koochella, and Spoked STL to create a tour de force of mofo's who believe in crushing souls on steel bikes.
The team netted pretty dang good results too as we once more won the Single Speed races on both days and had a number of other high placings.
It was a muddy nasty affair and many of us were opting to run our single speeds in the open classes as we were more likely to be able to finish with fewer mechanical issues on the one cog.
Here are a few pics that help tell the tale.
The ladies of All-City X Fulton, powerbraids abound!
Sara of team Koochella
Beth and her custom painted Nature Girl 853
Julie's Macho Man canti was too hott to not take a photo of.
Another Koochella NB853
Loving this one from Kelli!
And one of Stu of team All-City x Blackhand by Julie
These photos don't even do the mud justice, it was nasty and thick, of course it cleared up for the pro's race on Saturday and went back to raining for the amateur races on Sunday. So it goes!
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