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The Nature Boy Zona

White and Green All City Bike

Let's talk for a minute about our cult classic single speed race bike the Nature Boy Zona. This bike was designed to be the "heritage" version of our original cantilever'd Nature Boy. The one once you owned, you would never want to part with due to it's unbelievably smooth ride, classic tubeset, lightweight, and limited numbers.

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In Celebration of David Bowie

David Bowie

If you haven't heard by now, then we're sorry to have to be the ones to break the sad news to you. David Bowie, one of the most influential forces on this planet for decades, has passed away. It's impossible to encapsulate what this man and his work has meant to the millions upon millions of lives that he has touched, so I'm going to dwell on the more personal here. For many of us, the heart of his legacy is that it's beautiful to be yourself.

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More HOTT CX Action from Japan!

More HOTT CX Action from Japan!

Our main squeeze in the land of the rising sun, just sent over another batch of hott single speed CX pictures shot by the wonderful Kei Tsuji. Koshi's mantra is speed and style and it bleeds through in these pics! Check it.

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